Tuesday, September 20, 2011

On The Road Again 12

Good morning!  It's 7:45 here in Yuma Arizona and after a gentle urge and push from Ken (thank you Ken!), I've created a "Blog".   I don't know....I've been reluctant to "do a blog" because, well, here's the truth, because I don't like the name "blog".  It sounds like something a frog would throw up and I stopped being a fan of frogs a long time ago.  I remember the moment I stopped liking frogs.  My dad took me "gigging" when I was about 12 - out to a pond in California somewhere where you catch frogs.  I have some severe lapses in childhood memory but I DO remember this one night, sitting on a kitchen counter when we came home with the night's catch.  Be-heading the frogs was my mom's job and as I sat there on the counter, legs dangling over the side, silently watching my parents in the middle of the night, one of the be-headed frogs jumped on my lap!  That was it for me.  The sheer terror of it all keeps me away from frogs and things that sound like frog.  But this road trip is a test for me.  I am learning to live with ants and now, a blog.  I'm so proud of myself.  :)

We are preparing to leave Yuma.  This is as south as I want to go.  This RV park has not one single blade of grass and it's already getting hot this morning.  The RV host is a nice woman but it takes her a very long time to say something and then she says it three more times in her southern accent while the sun is beating down on the hot gravel.  This is too far south for me.  Especially on the eve of the end of "Don't Ask Don't Tell".  These two women and three dogs need to go North while we head East. 

More adventures to come and I'll keep you posted. 
Again, thanks Ken!  I'm a 'blogger" now......(shiver).


  1. It wasn't the frog's that were the problem. It was your parents. Glad you grew up in one piece. I had a similar experience with a poor, beheaded chicken that chased me all over the barn yard. I was 4. Very traumatic. No wonder I'm a vegetarian!

    We couldn't agree with you more about heading North. Two trips to/from Arkansas in the past three years was quite enough! Diana

  2. Does that mean if I suddenly hold a frog in your face you will scream and run? Hmmmmm.....
